Tabel Vitamin. Email hhp_info@healthharvardeduCHOLINE Helps make and release the neurotransmitter acetylcholine which aids in many nerve and brain activities Plays a role in metabolizing and transporting fats CALCIUM Builds and protects bones and teeth Helps with muscle contractions and relaxation blood clotting and nerve impulse transmission Plays a role in hormone secretion and enzyme activation CHLORIDE Balances fluids in the body A component of stomach acid essential to digestion 1450 M/W 23 g 5170 M/W 20 g 71+ M/W 18 g Not known Salt (sodium chloride) soy sauce processed foods CHROMIUM Enhances the activity of insulin helps maintain normal blood glucose levels and is needed to free energy from glucose 14–50 M 35 mcg 1418 W 24 mcg 1950 W 25 mcg 51+ M 30 mcg W 20 mcg.

Tabel Vitamin tabel vitamin
Tabel Vitamin from pakdosen

Daily need Vitamin B3 ( Niacin Nicotine acid) Barm peanuts peas liver poultry fish lean meat Building and degradation of fat protein and carbohydrates good sleep Skin and mucosa inflammation headache trembling vertigo sleep disturbance depressions feeling of prickle and deafness in the limbs.

Vitamin and Mineral TABLE Old Things Forgotten

Vitamins and minerals are essential substances that our bodies need to develop and function normally The known vitamins include A C D E and K and the B vitamins thiamin (B 1) riboflavin (B 2) niacin (B 3) pantothenic acid (B 5) pyridoxal (B 6) cobalamin (B 12) biotin and folate/folic acid.

Vitamins and minerals NHS

Ficat rinichi galbenus de ou lapte legume proaspete Coenzima in reactii de sintreza a lipidelor in metabolismul aminoacizilor si glucidelor Oboseala depresie greata dermatita dureri musculare Deficitul este rar deoarece acidul pantotenic se gaseste in majoritatea alimentelor.

Vitamins and Minerals NCCIH

Vitamin/Mineral Found in RDA a What it does Vitamin A (Retinol or Betacarotene) Liver egg yolk dairy products margarine Beta carotene (provitamin A) is found in dark green and deep yellow fruits and vegetables 5000 IU b Keeps eyes healthy develops bones protects linings of respiratory digestive and urinary tracts maintains healthy skin and hair.

Tabel Vitamin


Vitamins, Vitamin Table

Listing of vitamins Harvard Health

Vitamins and minerals are nutrients your body needs in small amounts to work properly and stay healthy Most people should get all the nutrients they need by having a varied and balanced diet although some people may need to take extra supplements.